Services Designed to Heal and Restore

Therapeutic Services

Each child’s therapeutic services are tailored to meet his/her individual needs. Weekly individual therapy and group therapy are services offered to our residents. Other therapeutic activities are implemented to meet the unique goals of each child’s service plan.

Behavioral Therapy

Weekly behavioral therapy services are implemented to help children deal with issues such as anger and past trauma. Real life situations are presented and worked through, giving the child a chance to find solutions. Coping mechanisms are taught to aid in dealing with difficult situations.


Each resident will receive educational services appropriate to the child’s age and developmental level. As an educational option, Haven of Rest Care Home has a partnership with Trinity Charter School, which offers virtual school. Educational services and needs will be individualized to each child’s needs.


Playing and having fun is an important component in a child’s healing. We offer a variety of recreational services to our residents. Some of the recreational activities we offer are a gym membership for exercise programs, opportunities to join local community sport teams, gardening, video gaming, going out to eat at restaurants and visiting the park.

Life Skills

Our residents are given the opportunity to learn basic life skills such as meal preparation and cleaning. These opportunities will aid the child in succeeding later in life.

Work Program

Haven of Rest Care Home has a partnership with community employers allowing part-time work for our teen residents.

Driver’s Education

Offered for all qualified teens.